Reducing our carbon footprint
Our company’s activity has an impact. As part of the lighting industry, we must actively contribute towards making it more environmentally friendly. Keeping track of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the manufacturing process is crucial to take the necessary measures to reduce our carbon footprint *.

We are currently striving to source all our energy from renewable sources. In 2023, we installed 218 photovoltaic panels in each of LedsC4's main manufacturing centres situated in Torà and Fonolleres. The 436 panels cover a total area of 966m2 within our facilities and allow us to:
Produce an installed power of 99 Kw/h.
Receive about 3,031 hours of sunshine per year.
Generate a total of 283,600 kWh.
Provide 29% of Torà Centre's annual electricity and 50% of Fonolleres Centre's annual electricity.
On average, reduce 65 tons of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere from each centre.

Ethics and transparency
