MAM, intuition and movement
MAM is conceptual jewellery, based on art, nature, origin, evolution and movement. These concepts are not only important in the application of the piece itself, but also in the environment that surrounds the brand in every one of its presentations, both in its own shops and in its presentations.
With a palette very much centred on lilac, which represents intuition, and green, nature, MAM presents its jewellery through Gaia, a futuristic avatar that emerges outwards, from different supports, but above all from one that is repeated in each of its shops: a long, almost infinite central piece of furniture, where the product is presented with this idea of continuity and prominence in the space. With such a strong concept behind it, which is necessary to respect, and with a clear intention of fleeing from traditional jewellery lighting, MAM chose LedsC4 to light its base shop in Barcelona, with Infinite Slim as a clear commitment to fulfil some very marked purposes: lighting efficiency, excellent chromatic reproduction and a discreet, elegant and continuous silhouette.
The result is lighting that reinforces the jewellery, avoids shadows and respects the central idea of the brand, based on evolution and movement, towards an infinite future. To complete the general lighting and present other products of the brand, such as the handbag collection, Atom Track projectors with adjustable temperature were chosen. The result is a space that speaks the same language with a vibration of light that respects the concept and reinforces it in the intangible.